This is what we do.

The Certified Work Ready Communities initiative is designed to link education with workforce development efforts and align them with regional economic needs. Key components include: 

WorkKeys® - Job skills assessment system leading to the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC)
National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) - Portable, evidence-based credential that measures essential workplace skills and is a reliable predictor of workplace success
Career Ready 101 - Career training course that prepares students for certification with WorkKeys® assessments

 Additional Info

Stay Updated.

For more information about the ACT Certified Work Ready Communities initiative, including real-time workforce skills data and a map of participating and certified counties across the nation, please visit

Stay up to date with Gregg County’s progress as we work to reach the goals set by ACT

Our Progress


The Gregg County ACT Certified Work Ready Communities Kick-Off Luncheon was a huge success!  Attendees heard from ACT representatives about the program and alignment with House Bill 5 – great information shared!  The Longview News Journal wrote this article following the event:
Congratulations to Dr. Julie Fowler, Kilgore College-Longview, named Platinum Education Champion and Pete Lamothe, Eastman Chemical, named Platinum Employer Champion! These two individuals and their organizations are committed to the Gregg County ACT Certified Work Ready Communities initiative!
Thank you to the following employers for supporting the National Career Readiness Certificate:  City of Kilgore, White Oak Economic Development Corporation, Kilgore Economic Development Corporation, Longview Independent School District, Eastman Chemical Company-Texas Operations, Kilgore College & the Longview Economic Development Corporation.